Friday, February 20, 2009

"You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in."

I have to start off by bragging about my baby:

My son can stand up by himself!

He hit the 9 month mark yesterday and decided that now is as good a time as any to show off his new found skill. I'm just... amazed. He'll be graduating high school and leaving me with a bad case of empty nest syndrome any day at this rate.

I also want to brag on myself a bit, and by God, this is my blog and I'll do what I want! Nobody puts baby in a corner!

I found a 2 year old Electra Townie in near perfect condition at Conte's last week. I rode her around the neighborhood a few times, but I couldn't shake this irrational urge to try riding to work one morning. It's not a long ride, only 5 miles each way, but I live in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood.

After a few days of waffling, I woke up on Wednesday and got ready for a ride. I gave my husband instructions to come looking for me if I didn't call in an hour and headed off for work. The ride was great! I left my house at 5 am, so there was very little traffic and most of my route has a bike lane. My legs got a great workout since my bike is a fixed gear single speed, and I didn't see a single shady character wandering the streets. Believe me, I was looking.

I'm planning to ride to work at least once a week now, weather permitting. I felt fabulous and had so much energy when I got to work. Heck, I was 30 minutes early, and that just doesn't happen!

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